Our force plates systems are made by 2 plates to measure independently each foot and the global data.
To make an object or subject moving, you must apply a force to it / him. To move linearly, you apply a force, to make the object / subject turing on itself / himself, you apply a torque. Forces and torques are invisibles, but the force plates measure them and make them visible.

1D & 3D
1Dimension is measuring force applied on vertical axis, or on the gravity line. 3Dimension is measuring force in the vertical axis, and on the horizontal plane, made by the lateral axis and the front back axis.

A vector is the mathematical tool to represent a force: there is a point of application, a direction and a magnitude.
Vertical Force
The vertical force is the amount of force applied on the gravity axis. This is the primary force we permanently use to stand up, move or jump.

Lateral Force
The lateral force is the force we use to move our body laterally. To make a step on side, you will use some vertical force combine with lateral force.

AP Force
The Antero – Posterior Force, or AP Force, is the force directed in the front to back or back to front axis. If you make a step forward, you use a combination of AP force and vertical force.

Vertical Torque
The vertical torque represents the amount of rotational force your create around a vertical axis. To make a revolution (360° on yourself), you will generate some vertical torque to make you turn.

Ground Reaction Force
When you push on the ground, the ground will send you the same amount* of force in opposite direction: this is the GRF! (*Consider a hard ground, with no deformation).

Center of Pressure
In physics, the Center of Pressure, or Cop, is the point of application of the Ground Reaction Force. It represents the location where the vectors of Ground Reaction Force is applied, and indicates crucial information on stability and muscular recruitment of a player.

Line of Pressure
The line of pressure links the Left foot CoP and Right Foot CoP. It indicates the line onto the player is balanced to apply Forces onto the ground.

Pressure Shift
The pressure shift indicates the ratio in % of vertical force distributed between the left foot and the right foot. It does not indication the amount of vertical force applied, only the distribution at the instant considered.

The stance is the indication of the position of the left foot versus the right foot: what is the distance in lateral axis, or stance width, and the distance in the anterior posterior axis, or stance closed or open.

Foot Flare
The foot flare indicates how much a foot is open or closed versus the hips position.